How is your ‘money life’ looking as a foreigner living in Russia right now? So many stories to share— here’s one…
“I opened my SberBank app again for the umpteenth time that day to check if any miracle money was going to appear. This was by far my worst month in Russia financially speaking and the next month was not looking any better.
I am a computer science student in the city of Moscow, currently in my 3rd year. I am withholding my name make I no go cast. I have to keep my dignity small, even though at this point I feel there is nothing left.

While refreshing my bank app, I am already searching my mind to see if anyone owes my money and nothing comes to mind. The devaluation of naira has hit me and my pocket bad bad. I am sponsored by my parents and I receive most of my money for upkeep from them. Sometimes my relatives gift me here and there but it’s not so often.
Now, my parents have been doing their best to send me money. The problem is that due to the devaluation of the naira, the money they send is just not equal to what I used to receive. To make things worse, inflation has made the prices of things unbearable here in Russia.
This devaluation of naira is so bad because it was so sudden and unpredictable at least from my own perspective. I also understand things are not so rosy back home and no matter the amount I tell my parents to send, I have realised it is not just adding up. Let’s not even talk about my school fees, because anytime I think about it, I become slightly depressed.

This situation has been going on for a few months now and the logical thing I decided to do was to look for a job. I decided to try teaching first, although I am a very shy person. I managed to secure a job at a language teaching centre.
Now the main hurdle was to find a time that would not clash with my classes and the second hurdle was how I was even going to teach.
I was sha able to find time even with my packed timetable but mehn, the first lesson I took was a struggle, I was teaching pre-teens and they just kept giggling and smiling throughout the class. I guess a black man teaching them was kind of amusing to them. I felt I was put in the spotlight and it was really not comfortable at all, but I had to continue because money has to be made.

I don’t have a lot of friends so borrowing is not even an option. I also found another shift job at a place, I usually go there on the weekends. This shift job and the teaching job are the only things keeping me together at the moment.
The increase in the price of things has now made me to start purchasing those brands I used to consider as low in quality. I now buy them o! My groceries especially, I don’t even look twice at those expensive brands. As for fast foods, I no longer eat them as often, I just prefer cooking my meals because that way I can save money and eat more.
You see all those unnecessary subscriptions I had before, hehe I have stopped all of them now. This free YouTube we’re enjoying here has become my best friend for learning and listening to music among other things.

When people say adulthood na scam, I think this past month I have really felt it. I have had to manage, cut costs and just manoeuvre my way through. Things have not been easy at all but I am grateful to God and my parents who have been supporting me in any way they can.
I just pray the economy gets better because hmmm, things tough!
So that’s it! My life managing inflation and devaluation. I know everybody is also figuring life out. All the best to y’all out there!”