I had just gotten to the office and was one of those Thursdays that was just ‘there’, quite uneventful and things were just moving slowly around the office. The only noise you could hear was of staplers and the printing machines.
I cherish moments like these in the office where there is no tension, no looming deadlines and all that. It’s like everyone agreed to just be peaceful and quiet. I take this time to think and ruminate on a lot of things.
The topic of school and getting a degree just crossed my mind, and I thought of the trends in the last few years. One of them is ‘school na scam’. I smiled and shook my head in disagreement with this erroneous statement.

I wasn’t a very bright student in school, and at that time even paying my fees was an issue but I strongly believed that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. The thought of quitting school crossed my mind many times and certain challenges also made schooling difficult but I pulled through. We can’t give up, can we?
I studied criminology and it is still a shock to people when I tell them because the field I work in now has no relation to what I studied, at least not directly. I won’t go into the details of how I got this job but all I know is that if I had not been in school, I would have missed countless opportunities that would have paved the way for me to get this job.
I don’t agree with the school of thought that says school is a scam. And I am sure my life would be filled with nothing but regrets if I had dropped out like some of my peers back then. The funny part is I might not even realise what I was missing out on.
Trust me when I say this, that degree will help you in ways you can never imagine. I know our world is changing and having (digital) skills is what is in vogue now but imagine you have these skills on the foundation of a proper education, you will be limitless.

Getting a degree is not just about the paper you are handed upon completion of your course, it goes beyond that. It helps shape and correct your thinking pattern. You see the world from another perspective. You approach situations from a literate perspective. There’s also this boldness it gives you that I can’t even explain.
Even if you end up not using your degree, maybe you go into business,at least your dealings come with being exposed and educated. Yes, the certificate you get after leaving school is just paper but it is also proof that you have something in your head. Why do you think some of our parents are still going back to school?
Unfortunately, many young people still think formal education will not do them any good. They think it is a waste of time. Please, if you have the opportunity to further your education, don’t take it lightly, no matter how hard school is, school is not a scam.

Fine, we know famous people who became successful even after dropping out of school, but compared to the population of the world, these people are only a handful. Your life is too important to stake on the success of a few people who dropped out of school.
If you are finding the field of your study difficult, look for ways to make yourself understand what is being taught, or better still change your field of study. Thousands of people changed their field of study midway and are doing so well.
Trust me when I say this, within the setting of a school, you gain not only knowledge, but also potential beneficial connections, friends that will help you later in life, experience that shapes your future. You even develop resilience to tackle problems you will later encounter.
Anyone that says school is a scam in this generation is actually a scam. I’m still thanking God that I didn’t drop out when I wanted to.
Have a lovely weekend and please remember- SCHOOL IS NOT SCAM!