E shock you!
The question above generates different emotions in people, the people who shy away completely, those who face the question head-on, and those who believe what will be, will be.
Whichever category you are in, we are here for you. Russia is an awesome place to live in and especially if you find your place- your calling and special opportunities around it, you can make quite a decent living.
For many people, Russia has always been the goal for them, and for many others, a stepping stone to another country. You will most likely find yourself on either of the two sides except you have zero idea about what you want to do- which is not the best. But whichever side you are on, one thing is for sure, you need to plan.
Even if Russia is comfortable for you, and by all means you are willing to stay here long term, you still need to plan. Except you have generational riches and inheritance, you should understand by now that being financially stable is not achieved without much hard work.
Staying in a foreign country does not make it any easier, in fact, it might just mean more work.

If You’re Planning to Stay in Russia Long-Term
1. Be prepared mentally, physically, spiritually, and in all spheres: Ha you think say na joke. The environment sometimes is not engineered to favour you. To make headway, you will have to push hard and go the extra mile to get the life you want and dream of. This is not some motivational speech but real facts.
The condition you are currently in, will test you on all sides and only those that are resilient can survive. If you have found something you think you can do for the long term, good for you! But you can improve on it.
If you are yet to find a reliable source of income, you still have the chance to pursue it now. Just be prepared on all fronts for whatever comes your way, after all, the road to success is not a smooth one.
2. Plan like your life depends on it: At times even when we don’t plan ahead or take any specific actions, circumstances might still work out and even go beyond our expectations. But, my people, things are not always like that, certain milestones in life can only be achieved by proper planning.
Plan, plan and plan some more. Know where and when you are taking the necessary steps needed to get a job for example. This is your reminder if you’re currently lagging behind.

3. Make strategic decisions and connections: In your quest to live a comfortable life here, certain decisions have to be made and also on time so you can stand by and start working towards them.
It can be in any area of your life, we won’t dive deep but you must understand that the quality of your life to an extent depends on the decisions you make whether big or small. Be careful and smart about the decisions you make. Same goes for the connections, so follow who know road. #Esolutionsdeyforyou
4. Make sure you have your documents intact and current: As a foreigner who wants to settle down properly, you need to have your documents sorted out. The authorities and the working conditions are not particularly favourable to those living illegally.
Truth be told, if you want to live peacefully and confidently attain great heights, you really need to have the right documents.
To the Other Category of People that See Russia as a Stepping stone:
Well, there’s a saying that goes, “Once there’s a will, there’s a way”. This is the attitude you must have if you want to leave Russia to settle elsewhere especially with the recent developments in the country.
This is especially because there are now several restrictions and some countries are not so welcoming to immigrants from Russia, but as the quote above says, there is always a way, and in fact, you will find that there are many legal pathways once you start your journey.

1. Count the cost: Consider your options- staying in Russia or japa to whatever country you are currently considering. There are things like cost of living, availability of jobs and other important factors one should consider before moving to these countries.
2. Consider the financial implications: If you’re planning to move, my brother, my sister, the simple truth is, you need a lot of money. In most cases, it takes diligent planning, working multiple jobs, strict spending, saving up and looking for even more funds to achieve your goals. Na who give up…
3. Get the necessary information: We can’t even stress this enough. Before taking any step, you have to fish for information concerning the country you want to go to. Each country has rules and policies peculiar to them. Always be on the lookout for changes in immigration laws, and closely keep track of all these.
You want to be aware and up-to-date at all times. So, you should browse and feed on as much information as you can. Leave no stone unturned to avoid surprises. In research, you can even find and begin to consider other countries that are more lucrative, or better suited to your preferences.
4. Get the necessary documents: By now, maybe you will say you have heard enough of this, but E-Solutions will keep shouting it. Get all your necessary documents ready- academic certificates, medical passes, criminal records, identification cards, visa requirements, etc.

Now, for the people who still don’t know whether Russia is a long-term plan or whether they are leaving, only God can help you o. But please, stop living on vibes. Weigh your options, and decide as soon as possible which is probably the best for you and start working towards it.
We wish you the very best!