Let’s say you’ve finally met someone and you’ve decided to go on a date. But then you look around and see how every possible outing is potential billing and you don’t have that much money.
How do you make sure you don’t spend out of your budget? Let’s make it work.
- Go to the art museum: Many Africans like to shy away from the fact that art museums can be fun. Or maybe you just think it’s too “foreign”. Let us change your mind.
Add some spice to your date by dressing up and critiquing art that you probably know nothing about. You might actually find it funny or you’ll find a new interest doing that. Bottom line is— you might not have to pay much to have good date.
- Go get snacks/fast foods: You can’t go wrong with the all time junk food classic. Yes, you’ll spend some money, but you’re investing into a potential marriage, to be honest.
The trick here is to go light— no need for a full-blown restaurant date. Just visit the regular Burger King, KFC, вкусно и точка and the rest depending on your preference and you’ll still have a nice time.
- Go to the movies: With around a thousand rubles, you can get a seat for two, some snacks and enjoy that familiar date atmosphere with an evening movie.
You can target those cinemas that show English movies from time to time but if you’re up for a challenge, you can go ahead and watch movies in Russian. It’s just you may not really understand much. But it’s the company that counts, right?

- Go on a bike ride: You can take advantage of the summer bike rentals and take out these bikes for at least an hour. Don’t be too competitive. It’s ok to just have fun.
You can always take breaks to buy snacks on the way. Hopefully you’ll be too tired at the end, you’ll just say goodbye and there will even be no need for item 7.
- Visit the market together: Yes, market. This is also how you’ll know if he/she is husband/wife material and whether they can price goods or not.
Just remember you’re not actually going to buy anything, so close your eyes or else you’ll spend money you do not have and we don’t want that.
- Go for a picnic: This guarantees a nice view and enough time for all the private conversations you want to have. Just fruits will do, but if you want to spice it up, carry some home made meals and a few drinks.
We are sure you’ll have a nice time with this one. Just make sure your location is both quiet and safe. We don’t want to hear stories that touch.

- Find a great view: Find those buildings or or hills where people go just to see the city from an vantage point. Get ice cream and take an evening stroll together and you’ll be surprised how much fun you’ll have without having to spend money.
Plus you’ll get nice pictures and maybe you’ll be inspired to become a low-budget landscape photographer.
- Go for a photoshoot: Yes, we know your birthday is not coming soon and this does not even have to be the standard photo studio and professional photographer combo.
You can just decide to have your own outdoor photo session with your phone cameras doing all the magic (iPhone preferably, please).
- Go out to play games: Game centres have become quite popular in Russian malls now. Without spending a lot of money, you can get access to a few common games- bowling, laser tag, shooting, car drives, carting, etc. Maybe you can even invite some friends along)
Doing a puzzle together is also an option. This one will definitely take some time so we recommend having some patience.

- Go window-shopping together: For this one you’ll need a lot of self-discipline. Don’t get carried away by all the nice things you wish you could afford. In fact, don’t take a lot of money along if you don’t trust yourself.
And let the other person know the plan so they don’t misunderstand and you’ll eventually have to pay for everything.
- Jump on a random bus: Just make sure you know the city properly so you don’t get lost. Get a bus, and keep the conversation going, come down and take another bus back.
Nobody will even know you’re on a date. Just have fun and go back to your house in peace.
- Write out your goals together: This is getting a little personal, but relationships are meant to be serious, right? So get comfortable and talk about the things you want to achieve in the future.
Maybe you’ll get some inspiration/motivation to work hard and become the man/woman of their dreams.
Here at E-Solutions, we believe in love so dating is neither a waste of time nor money. However, you need to shine your eyes and be careful if you’re looking for true love abroad.
Read our former blog post to find out how to meet the right person in Russia. Have you ever had a funny first date situation? Share your story in the comments.
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