Every year, Africans everywhere decide to migrate to other countries because of economic opportunities, to work or study, sponsored by family or a partner, especially on a permanent basis.
At a time when things in some African countries are escalating with worsening education systems and other circumstances, more and more people are moving out without looking back.
Here are the top destinations and here’s why people are moving:

Currently, Nigerians are the fourth largest source country of new immigrants to Canada, with over 15,000 Nigerians granted permanent residency in 2021.
Canada is the second-largest country in the world and their government is open to receiving foreigners to grow their economy in various sectors.
And it’s not too difficult to see why more Africans are being attracted to Canada.
Canada offers several advantages with political stability, a well-developed health and education system and a thriving economy.
With good English skills, high education level and proper work experience, you can easily get a job and become qualified for the immigration programs in Canada.
With their Federal Skilled Worker Program, you can apply for permanent residence and become established in Canada within a few years. There is also the Express Entry pathway which makes it even more attractive for economy class candidates.

Africans usually look towards the UK because of the high demand of skilled workers, high quality healthcare system, popular universities and strong passport.
Because of the already existing African community, it’s easy to feel at home even though you’re so far away. For example, over 100,000 Nigerians live in London alone so you can always connect with people on several levels.
The major disadvantages for the UK— shocking taxes and cost of living especially if you live in a big city like London.
To move to the UK, you can either use the spouse or fiancé visa where you prove your partner is either a British citizen or is a resident there. You can also use a work visa having accepted a job offer that will sponsor your visa.

Australia is not far down on the list when coming up with dream countries. In fact, immigration to Australia from Nigeria is increasing at a yearly rate of 11.88% .
You can explore any of the migration pathways if you’re seriously considering Australia. Either you go through a family member or spouse that’s already a citizen or you seek a refugee visa (if you can prove that you’re unsafe or being persecuted in your home country).
The best way to move there would be by applying for jobs as a skilled professional (if you’re a doctor, lawyer, engineer etc.).
The process, however, can be unnecessarily long. You must not only possess a relevant skill but also a pass grade on points test, receive an invitation from the Australian Government, and must be younger than 45 years.

Norway is constantly regarded as one of the most peaceful and liveable countries in the world. Because of its high level of security, relatively free education and great standard of living, more and more Africans are considering moving there in search of greener pastures.
Many people move there as students after applying to universities and getting admission, if you can prove you can sustain yourself, have no criminal record and are willing to go back to your home country,
You can however still apply for the permanent residence permit if you want to stay back and work there. You might also need to learn the Norwegian language especially if you intend to get certain jobs.
Getting a Norway student visa is not as difficult as you may assume. You don’t even have to go through any agent.

Germany is one of the best European countries to relocate to. In fact, it is considered the fifth most advantageous place to migrate to because of the way it provides several opportunities in artificial intelligence, tech and education.
The major challenge when moving to Germany will be the language, and you will need to understand a little if you are going to survive at all.
Getting a visa in Germany means you also have access to that desirable “Schengen visa” that allows easy movement to other European countries.
To relocate permanently or be granted a long stay visa, you’ll need to find a job there, apply to study, join a spouse or family member, go for medical reasons or seek asylum.

Wherever you’re relocating to, you must make sure you’re physically and mentally prepared to do all that work— a lot of research. Almost everything is on the internet these days— from official government websites to people’s personal experiences.
You also need to make sure your documents are in place— passport, academic documents, life documents, everything. Make sure they are all up to date and safe.
Don’t forget to save a lot of money too. Even if you are going to be sponsored by your relatives, you should still have something (some money or a valuable skill) so you can survive in case anything goes south.
Have you read our latest ‘japa’ relocation story? We’re sure you can learn one or two things from there.
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Good luck on your ‘japa’ journey.