Ghen ghen, the time to shake this table has finally come. Well, we are in the month of love so there’s no harm in touching even some dicey topics, if you know what we mean : )
Pre-nup is the short-term for prenuptial agreement. This is a contract between intending couples on how assets are to be divided in the event of separation or divorce. Even though no one plans for a divorce, things happen and couples might need to go their separate ways if the situation calls for it. A prenup sets how assets are to be divided if the marriage is dissolved.
For some people, there is immediate repulsion once the topic of prenup is mentioned, for others, they are willing to enter into such agreement and there are people who are just there sha.

Whichever side you are on it is important to stay informed on this matter while still holding on to your opinions. It is also important to look at things from another perspective and respect people’s position on this issue.
Most people think prenup is only about money and assets but it extends even to how debts are going to be paid after the marriage.
Every argument always has two sides, the yays and the nays, also this topic like every other has both cons and pros, so let’s dive right in.
Assets can be shared based on preference- If you have significantly more assets than your future spouse, you are probably thinking of drawing up a prenup contract to keep your wealth in case the marriage is dissolved. This way you can both agree on how much each person gets in a way that everyone is satisfied with the terms of the contract.

Compensation or protection from a partner’s harmful actions- In a situation where one person has gambled away a fortune or made some clearly erroneous investments or decisions with regard to money. If the marriage is dissolved in the long run, the other partner can leave without being scarred or damaged from the other person’s actions.
It’s fair and protects the parties involved- Although love and marriage go beyond wealth, it seems fair that each person knows what they are getting if the marriage does not work, that way both parties are protected and prepared if the time comes. Yeah, we are using the word ‘if’ a lot, because the prenup agreement is only viable if the marriage doesn’t work. And we all want it to work, don’t we?
Now, let us look at the disadvantages of drawing a pre-nup agreement…

It can cause emotional hurt- Now, this table is a very shaky one. Tell me why if you plan to spend forever with me and you are sure, you are still insisting on making a prenup agreement before marriage. It’s a whole emotional turmoil on its own and it can leave the other partner unsure and guessing how much they mean to you. It can distort how they view your relationship and their priority in their lives.
One spouse might not agree with the other partner’s proposal- One of the intending parties might not agree with the whole idea of drawing up a prenup agreement or agree to how assets are going to be divided. This could lead to several other issues.

With everything we have said, you should have a stance on whether to draw up a prenup agreement or not. It all depends on you in the long run, keep yourself informed and make sure whatever decision you are making is not selfish and hurting your partner. We wish you the very best in life.
Remember, #E-SolutionsDeyForYou!