My people, happy new year o!
December has been dettied and the new year is now before us. We hope you took enough pictures and videos of all your enjoyment in December, because it’s about to be a long month and those pictures will remind you of what you did with your money. If you know, you know.
In fact, in case you’ve not noticed, this year started on a Monday and it now has 366 days on top (to make a leap year). You can see that we’re in for serious business this time around.
Now bants aside, it is indeed a new year, a clean slate and an opportunity to start afresh.
If you stood by passively, just looking on the sidelines the past years, now is the time to come forward and be in control of things.
As our mantra is ‘no gree for anybody’- and it simply means this year you have to go all in. You must not agree to be stepped upon, and if anyone brings five, you sef bring ten. This year, no dulling, you take opportunities as they come, and if they delay, you go after them relentlessly.

When we say, ‘no gree for anybody’, we are not only talking about other people but also yourself. Don’t be laid back this year, go all out, take those opportunities that present themselves before you. Put yourself out there more. Get in contact with the people that matter in your field. Stop hiding. Take calculated risks and make the right decisions.
For operation ‘no gree for anybody’ 2024, we have these tips:
- Be ready to work hard and smart- This year is another opportunity to prove your worth by your hard work. Whatever field you are currently in, whether you’re a student or you own a business, just be ready to put in your best and success will come.
- Be ready to add value to your life- What value do you bring to people? Look around you and learn useful skills that will increase your value as an individual. What are you bringing to the table this year. Are there any areas to improve yourself and get better?

- Be ready to be bold- Be courageous and be ready to speak about your services or yourself as the case may be. Use social media to your advantage. Post and let the world know what you have to offer. Be bold enough to start high-quality conversations, make right connections and let go of those relationships that are not taking you anywhere.
- Be ready to make tough decisions- In your quest for a better life, with relation to your business or just life in general, be prepared to make those seemingly difficult decisions. There are times you will have to take a stance- just think deeply and learn to be strategic especially if these decisions are key to your progress as an individual.
- Be ready to keep the right people close- People are like ladders that help us reach our goals or scissors that cut us away from what we hope to achieve. A simple decision to work with the right people is important as it helps us in achieving whatever it is we set our minds to do. Move with the right people this year, like we always say, ‘follow who know road’. Follow E-Solutions.

We thank God for another new year. This 2024 is packed with plenty plenty blessings so be ready to maximise your time, attention and resources into receiving all that this year has to offer. And remember, #ESolutionsDeyForYou!