We are officially in the middle of December 2023.
In a few weeks, we will be entering the new year. Everyone is planning how to spend the holiday and many are already making plans for the new year.
As your favourite street gist platform in Russia, E-Solutions is committed to bringing you the best. In that light, we believe it is important that each person takes a trip down the memory lane of 2023. Examining the past year might be a key to excelling in the coming year.

As always, we are dropping guidelines to reflect on the past year. We hope by adhering to them, the next year becomes even more beautiful for you.
Dig into how the year was- Point out the money decisions you took, whether good or bad, the connections you made and the type of relationships you built. Were you splurging or you were frugal?
Did you meet those goals you set for yourself? Did you get a new job like you planned to? As a student were you able to achieve all that you planned to achieve? Answering all these questions is vital in helping you move forward in the next year.
Summarise- Summarising is drawing conclusions on the reasons you were able to achieve some goals and not achieve others, consider the factors that made you relentless or relaxed whatever the case may be.

Take time for reflection- It is said that real growth is rooted in honest reflection. This is in fact true. Taking time to reflect especially before the beginning of a new year will aid your growth by making you see areas of your life where you can adjust or improve on.
Whether you like it or not, life is not always vibes on vibes. There comes a time where you have to be serious and check to see if you are not slacking in any regard.
Encourage- Reflecting is not all about pointing out your flaws or beating yourself up over some things that you were not able to achieve. It is a time to encourage yourself and see how you can push yourself to do even better.
Plan and act- After all your reflecting and all the conclusions you have drawn you need to plan and not just plan but to also execute all your plans.
You might not have a full sketch of how the next year is going to look like but you have to start somewhere. Start planning the little things and eventually the big things will fall into place.
E-Solutions wishes you the best in this season…